Jacob Freeman (b. 1994) is a Canadian artist based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Jacob obtained his BFA with honors from the University of Western Ontario in 2016. Fascinated by painting’s long history, he uses the medium as a means to build an alternative world and its inhabitants, where its own physics, rules, religions, history, and spirits define the cultural sphere of the imagined land. He develops an ongoing narrative about the poetic structure of nature, and to explore how the appropriation and transmutation of historical tropes and motifs lead contemporary painting to unfamiliar aesthetic spaces. Freeman draws from the iconography of American culture, and investigates how the costume and performance endemic to the region relate to Christianity and historical painting.
Freeman previously held exhibitions at galleries including This Month Only, Toronto; Race Car Factory, Indianapolis; Abbozzo Gallery, Toronto; Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga; Forest City Gallery, London, CA. He has won the “Best In Show” award at the Quest Art 13th Annual Juried Exhibition, Quest Art, Midland, ON.